Push Documents to PASI

Review Page

A column is available on the Review Page, that outlines the current status of the documents review. A Red Number indicates how many files need to be addressed. The Green Number indicates how many documents are already processed.

Document Statuses

The following are the statuses that an application’s PASI documents can be in:





Awaiting Approval

This document has not yet been reviewed. Documents/Applications (Student Registration) must be Approved & Written Back, or Managed Externally to upload documents to PASI.

No Documents

This application does not have any documents to push.

Needs ASN

Student must have an ASN registered with PASI and PowerSchool to upload documents to PASI.

This status may be due to a duplicate student account in SchoolEngage. Please see Merging Duplicate Accounts for addressing this situation.

No Active Enrollment

This student is in PowerSchool, but is not Active or Pre-Registered. Districts may optionally choose to allow or disallow document uploads for Pre-Registered students.

Requires Review

Documents may be uploaded to PASI, but all attached documents have not been reviewed.

In Progress

Documents may be uploaded to PASI, and at least one document has been reviewed.


All Documents have been reviewed, and uploaded to PASI if needed.

PASI Upload

Within an individual application, when a Application becomes eligible to upload documents to PASI a new Action menu item will appear under the review tab called PASI Upload.

A document is eligible if all of the following is true:

  1. The student is Active in PowerSchool, or the student is Pre-Registered in PowerSchool and your district wants to push documents for Pre-Registered Students

  2. The current staff user has the State Document Upload Permission

  3. The Application is Approved & Written Back, or the document is Managed Externally.

  4. The student has an ASN linked to their PowerSchool record.


For more information on PASI uploading, please refer to the related articles below: