PowerSchool Courses AutoComm Setup


This section covers the setup for AutoComm to prepare for Student Course Enrolment.

Table of Contents

Managing SFTP Connection in PowerSchool

This process will create a new connection to the SFTP in your district’s PowerSchool.

If there are issues connecting PowerSchool to your SFTP, please be sure to white-list the PowerSchool IP Address on your SFTP server.

To add a new connection in PowerSchool:

  1. Navigate to System Management > Server > Plugin Configuration > Remote Connection Manager

  2. Click Remote Connection Manager under Function

  3. Click Create Connection

  4. Fill your SFTP’s information

  5. Click Test Connection to ensure a connection

  6. Enable Allow Download

  7. Enable Allow Upload

  8. Click Submit

Creating a new AutoComm Record

For enrolling student courses, an AutoComm Record must be made for every school in your PowerSchool which will be participating in course enrolment through SchoolEngage.

If you wish to increase the frequency of writing back to PowerSchool, multiple AutoComm records must be made for each time per participating school.

To add a new AutoComm Record:

  1. Change your PowerSchool’s selected school in the top right of your screen (It cannot be set to District Office)

  2. Navigate to System Management > Data > AutoComm Records

  3. Click New

  4. Set the following fields as noted (Fields not mentioned are optional):

    1. Table to Import - Student schedules

    2. When to Execute -

    3. Days to Execute - Monday - Sunday or Monday - Friday

    4. Uncheck Turn Execution Off

    5. Get Input From - Managed Connection

      1. Select the connection you created in Managing SFTP connection in PowerSchool

    6. Path - the path to the course enrolment file, including the file itself

      1. Example: /CourseEnrolment/SE_CourseEnrolment_111_1111.tsv

        1. The file’s name follows the following syntax (please contact the SchoolEngage team to get the correct numbers)

          1. SE_CourseEnrolment_<PsId>_<PsSchoolId>.tsv

    7. Field Delimiter - Tab

    8. Character Set - CRLF

    9. Character Set - Mac Roman

    10. Sort Order - 0

    11. PowerSchool fields to import into (Order matters) -

      1. Studentid

      2. Termid

      3. Course_Number

      4. Section_Number

      5. Dateenrolled