Select Students to Send Field Trip Consent Forms


Select Students to send Field Trip consent forms to.

Field Trip Request forms must have at least one student selected to have consent forms sent out prior to approval.

Table of Contents

Selecting Students

To select students for field trip consent forms:

  1. Open up the Field Trip Request Application

  2. On the right-hand action bar, within the Review section, click Students Selected

  3. Select students from the left-side by clicking on the check-box of the student(s)

  4. To add students to the right side (Target Students), click either → To Target or → Add All

    1. Clicking → To Target will move students that have their boxes checked

    2. Clicking → Add All will move all the students (filtered or unfiltered) on the left side

Please note that moving more than ~3,000 students at a time will result in unintended behaviour.

  1. to remove students from the right side (Target Students), click either → Remove or → Remove All

    1. Clicking → Remove will move students that have their boxes checked

    2. Clicking → Remove All will remove all students from the right side (Target Students)

  2. Click Save to save the student selection.

Selected students will have consent forms sent out on the scheduled SendOutDate. If there is no send out date, consent forms will be sent out on approval of the field trip request form by administrators.

Filtering Students

To filter the students on the left-side, click Filter Students. For more information on querying students, please see