Diploma Cutoff Scores
The Dossier System allows for upload of Diploma data to the system and provides deep access to analysis on the provided data (Summaries, Details, Trends, etc). In order to take advantage of this functionality the Diploma results must be uploaded to the system and have detailed settings entered regarding each Diploma exam. On the page, you can find a description of how to add Cutoff Scores to the Dossier.
1. Get the PAT/Diploma Results
Alberta Ed made change for PAT/Diploma result file.
Starting from 2017, all the results in PAT/Diploma will contain in one zip file. The zip file will contain all the PAT results for all tests in one or multiple school year.
Go to Alberta Education website: https://education.alberta.ca/.
Click the Extranet Login (for administrators) button.
Login using the account you have.
After login, it will redirect to the homepage, click the application icon at the top of the page.
In application page, there will one section for Exam Reports, click the launch button to open the
extranet page. If that section does not exist, contact Alberta Edu to confirm the access rights.
In file exchange page, download the achievement data. Select the years of data need to upload,
multi-year data can be selected, make sure the everything in the courses folder for each year
are selected. When select one school year, everything under that school year will be selected by
After selection, click the download selected files button under file selection, a zip file will start to
download. This is the files used to upload to Dossier.
In the Dossier PAT/Diploma module go to upload area. For the .zip file:
Click add file
Browse to the zip file just downloaded for PAT.
Click save.
The screen will provide details of the upload (new info/inserts or updates to previously uploaded PAT/Diploma exam).
2. Setup the PAT Cut Scores
In order for Dossier to run calculations and display data for the exams it must be made aware of the cut scores for each exam.
Go to Settings –> Course Cutoffs.
Max. Score / Total Exam is always 100.
Go the the last page of the school level report, there will be the students list with results. If no
student list, try to select another school report.
Example file name will be ELA3104-001-[S.XXXX].pdf, path will be
similar to Assessment\Diploma\2017\January\Courses\English Language Arts 30-1 (ELA3105)
In the header of the student list, the first 2 items next to example total will be Section 1 and Section 2. Total mark will be the mark show under the title.
Excellence will be 80% of the total mark
Acceptable will be 50% of total mark. i.e.
Based on the picture above, the Total Score for Section 1 will be 70, then Excellence will be 80%
of 70, which is 56, and Acceptable will be 35.
New Section 3 is added for Math tests starting from 2019, additional section will show for
specific tests which Section 3 is available.
Leave field is empty if Section doesn’t have data.
The design of the Cutoff Score only accepting integers. If the cutoff score if acceptable and
excellence is not an integer, please round up to an integer. i.e. if the cutoff score is 35.2, please
enter 36.Open a district level report.
Example file name will be ELA3104-001-[A.XXXX].pdf, path will be
similar to Assessment\Diploma\2017\January\Courses\English Language Arts 30-1 (ELA3105))
In the first page there are District and Province Averages and Percentages. Provincial and District
Excellence/Acceptable Percentage requires some calculation.
Final Mark Course Codes is used the the comparison page. Enter the Course Number in
Powerschool userd to Stored The School Mark for the Diploma test.Click the Save Button to save the data. Then Dossier will start to calculate the student
result based on the Cutoff Score. When the message “Summary Data Updated” show on the
screen, the Summary data is available.