Student Sync

Student Sync


This guide explains how the nightly student data sync works for CBE

Table of Contents

Run Time

The nightly sync generally runs from 0:00 MST until it is complete. If sync experiences any interruptions, then it will generally start right away when the sync is restarted. If there is a failure, it will not attempt to run again until the next day.

Fetch Data

There are 3 main fetch calls from PowerSchool that run during the overnight sync.

1. Get Student Guardians

This calls the /ws/schema/query/com.pearson.core.guardian.student_guardian_detail PowerQuery in PowerSchool and populates our parent list.

2. Get Students

This query retrieves all student enrollments by school where the enrollment status is less than or equal to 0, which includes students with an Active or Pre-registered status.

3. Get Independent Students

Students with an enrollment type of 121 are retrieved as independent students.

Modify Data

Check for existing students

We check our existing records within SchoolEngage for students and if they do not exist we create them, otherwise we will update the synced fields.

Check for existing Guardians

We check our existing records for guardians and if they do not exist we create them, otherwise we will update the synced fields.

Parent Student Connection

Now that students and parent data is updated we sync the connection record.

New Relationship - Guardians is in SchoolEngage only

If a student-guardian relationship exists only in SchoolEngage (and not in PowerSchool), SchoolEngage is considered the source of truth. As a result, the guardian(s) will always have access to the student within SchoolEngage.

New Relationship - Guardians is in PowerSchool only

If SchoolEngage does not have a record of the student-guardian relationship, the system will search for users linked to the student who have created forms.

  • If a matching user is found, the system updates the student-guardian relationship record in SchoolEngage.

  • If no matching user is found, a new record is created.

New Relationship - Parent is in SE and PS but not linked to the student

Returning families may encounter situations where they already have a Parent Portal account when registering a new student but have not yet linked the student to their account. In this case, as long as the guardian has created the form on behalf of the student, the guardian will retain a connection to the student. However, the guardian’s account will be marked as "Incomplete" upon login, limiting their access to SchoolEngage until they complete the connection.

Existing relationship

If both the parent and student are connected to PowerSchool, they will sync as normal.

Relationship Synchronization Rules:

  1. Accounts directly linked to Web Access Accounts are ignored. These are internal to PowerSchool and are not visible in the interface.

  2. A relationship must appear in the Student Guardian Detail PowerQuery. This query only returns users who have an active, linked Parent Portal Account with Data Access enabled.

  3. There must be at least one contact record linked to the student that shares the same email as the account returned in the Student Guardian Detail PowerQuery.

  4. All linked contacts sharing the same email must have a value of 1 in the u_studentcontactdetail.isdecisionmaking field. If any linked contact does not meet this condition, the connection to the student will remain, but access will be set to "Restricted".

  5. If any of the fields s_ab_stu_x.enrlytype1, s_ab_stu_x.enrlytype2, or s_ab_stu_x.enrlytype3 contain the value 121 (representing Independent Students), the linked contact's email must match either u_student.orgemail or u_student.personalemail in order to gain full access.

    1. If the account meets criteria 1-4 but does not meet criterion 5, it indicates a parent who has signed a Release of Information. As a result, they will have limited Read-Only access to the student.

Access Levels

Access Tier


View Forms

Create Forms

Edit Forms

Receive Emails

Access Tier


View Forms

Create Forms

Edit Forms

Receive Emails



Starter Forms Only

Starter Forms Only

Starter Forms Only




Starter Forms Only

Starter Forms Only

Starter Forms Only

Starter Forms Only



Only Forms I Created

Starter Forms Only

Starter Forms Only

Only Forms I Created




















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