Status | Description |
Triggered | The system has received the email request and begun processing . Once completed, the system will send but not yet sent a request to the messaging service. |
Queued | The email has been processed and sent to the messaging service. |
Processed | The email has been processed by the messaging service but not yet sent. |
Scheduled | The email has been scheduled to be sent at a later time. |
Deferred | The recipient's email server has temporarily delayed the email. The messaging service will continue to try to deliver the message for up to 72 hours. |
Bounced | The email couldn't be delivered, often due to incorrect email addresses. |
Delivered | The email has reached the recipient's server but not necessarily their inbox. |
Opened | The recipient has opened the email. |
Unsubscribed | The recipient opted out of future emails. |
Marked as Spam | The email was flagged as spam by the recipient or their email service. |