This section covers how to customize the messaging surrounding your form.
Table of Contents
Form Description
This text is displayed to the user before creating or opening a form by expanding the description located below the form. It is best to provide a good description of what the form is for and who it applies to to ensure user’s do not fill out unneeded forms.
Always expand the Form Description
Toggling this option will ensure that the description is always visible to the user.
Submit Description
This text is used to customize the popup that appears when a user submits a form. The default submission message is “Application was successfully submitted”.
Enable Custom Submission Message
Toggling this option will enable the custom message. Leaving it unchecked will retain the default messaging.
Save Description
This text is used to replace the default message that appears when a user manually saves a form. The default save messaging is “Application was successfully saved”.
Enable Custom Save Message
Toggling this option will enable the custom message. Leaving it unchecked will retain the default messaging.
External Link
This section provides you with a shareable link for quick access to the form. Simply click the ‘Copy Form Link’ button to begin sharing. If you’d prefer to embed the link in HTML, you can use the “Copy Form Link as HTML' button instead.
When the link is clicked, the following actions occur:
If the user is not logged in, they will be prompted to sign in to SchoolEngage.
If the form is for a student and the user has multiple students linked to their account:
The user will be asked to select the student for whom they wish to create the application.
Upon selection, the application will be created, and the user will be directed to the newly created application.
Otherwise, the all other users will be directed to the newly created application.
Note: This link will only work for accounts with the appropriate form permissions. For instance, staff members must be specified under the form permissions to create a form through this link.