Click the “+ Create” button at the top of the table
In the popup, enter the required fields
Click “Save”
Viewing a student account
Once you are on the student management page, click the to navigate to their profile page.
Edit a student account
From the student management page, you can edit account information by clicking the Pencil icon.
Note |
WARNING: Once you delete the account, it cannot be recovered. |
Setting student as a Tester
If you want to assign Test forms, make sure that the student’s account is a tester. To do this:
Click on the “Actions” button to bring up the options
Under User Flags, click “Is Tester?” to enable the student account as a tester if it isn’t already.
Unlinking a student account from PowerSchool
Info |
Unlinking a student from PowerSchool is useful if you are experiencing issues with writing back their registration form, and the student’s account has been removed from PowerSchool. |
To unlink a student account from their PowerSchool account, follow these steps:
Navigate to the student’s profile.
Click on the “Actions” button to bring up the options.
Select “Unlink from PS”.
Confirm the action by clicking “Yes”.