A series of checkboxes allowing users to select multiple options from a Predef. The number of selections can be restricted by setting minimum and maximum values in the Validation section. Anything mapped to this will return a comma separated list to the mapsource.
Common Uses
Choosing the required school supplies.
Determining which French eligibility criteria the family meets.
Course Drop-downs allow applicants to enrol in courses within the district. You can specify which courses are to be displayed in the Course Drop-down by clicking “+ Add Courses”.
Courses are restricted to courses at School that you have the School Rights to and course descriptions can be adjusted here. These can be further restricted by leveraging https://intellimedia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SSE/pages/19202729/Schools+Grades+Tab#Course-Links
When selecting courses, you can re-arrange how they appear by dragging the Move icon, or remove courses by clicking the Remove icon.