There are 2 views available to edit forms
List View
This is the default view of forms, forms can be filtered and will display alphabetically by default.
Allows modification of a form
Copies a form with most of it’s settings, renames and allows you to modify the new form
What the form is called, this will display for all user types
Form Categories of the form
Form Folder
Folders that the form is, additional details below
The year the form is designed to go out, this can impact the default enrollment as well as what is available in the Course Dropdown
Modification User
Last user to modify the form
Determines who can see the form there are 4 status
Active - anyone with proper permissions can see the form, the form is considered live
Testing - same as active but only users who have the test flag set can interact with this form
Inactive - the form is not in use and is not visible to any other page except this one
Archived - this state indicates a form is done. It sets it to read-only and will not accept new forms
Folder View
Folder View allows you to organize forms without changing how it appears for users. You can move forms into specific folders and group like forms without restricting access to a form.