Show If


Show ifs display and hide sections of the form based on specified criteria.

Table of Contents

Create New Show If

To create a new Show If condition for a form field:

  1. Click “Edit” on the form field

  2. Under Field Visibility on the right hand edit menu, click the “Add Condition” button.

  3. Click on the “Field” drop-down and select an existing form field

    1. Note: if you do not see your form field in the drop-down, click the “Save” button and try again.

    2. Otherwise, make sure that the field you want to select is one of the following

      1. Yes/No Checkbox

      2. Yes/No Drop-down

      3. Drop-down List

      4. Province Drop-down

      5. School Drop-down

      6. Grade Drop-down

      7. Course Drop-down

      8. Radio Button

      9. Date Entry

  4. After selecting a form field, select the value(s) which should make this form field appear to applicants. If the conditions are not met, the form field will be hidden to applicants.

If multiple conditions are created, the applicants must satisfy ALL conditions before the form field appears.

For Date Entry fields, you must specify if the entered date is Equal ( = ), Greater than or Equal ( >= ), or Less than or Equal ( <= ) the date entered in the “Values” section.

Header Fields and Show Ifs

When a Show If is applied to a header field, all fields under the header will be hidden if the conditions are not met until the next Header form field, Copy Header form field, or Page Break form field.

Clear Field When Hidden

If this setting is enabled for the form field, any existing value on the form field will be removed if it does not meet the Show If conditions.

If a form field which has a value is hidden by a show if, Form Field A. Other form fields which reference Form Field A as a condition for a Show If may not function as expected, since Form Field A would not be visible, but still contain a value.