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Please refer to the Filters area for more information on how to utilize these filters throughout the Counselling module.
Referral Tab
Logs Tab
Goals Tab
Dashboard Tab
This area of the Counselling module lists various Charts and Reports to help Admins see data at a level that is easy to read and understand. These reports will help understand the Counselling data as a whole and be able to make certain decisions, such as financial, student support, etc.
Note: None of the charts have drill-downs as much of Counselling data is sensitive and should not be exposed to all Admin users.
Demographics Tab
Student Gender with Referrals
Report Type: Pie Chart
Data: Count of each gender and how many referrals created for each
Note: data is synced from PowerSchool so the same genders that are setup in PowerSchool are also shown here
Student Grade with Referrals
Report Type: Bar Chart
Data: Count of how many referrals created for each student grade
Logs Tab
Logs Time Spent
Report Type: Pie Chart
Data: Count of each time spent selection per Log created
Log Types Range
Report Type: Stacked Bar Chart
Data: Counts of how many meeting types created broken down by month
Note: this chart currently has it’s own Start and End date filters
Counselling Log Types - Session Count
Report Type: Pie Chart
Data: Counts of how many time each Log Type has been selected.
Counselling Log Types - Student Count
Report Type: Pie Chart
Data: Counts of how many students per Log Type that has been saved.
This is not the unique count of Logs, but instead unique count of Students.
Presenting Issues
Intervention Supports
Counselling Log Intervention Reason Monthly
Reason for Referral Breakdown
Referrals Tab