History of Referral
Referral Status
Individual Counselling
When a student is specified for Individual Counselling, this indicates they should be in only one-on-one meetings with a Counsellor
This status makes the student available to select when creating a Log and having the meeting type of ‘Individual Counselling Session’ selected.
Targeted (Group) Counselling
Accepted a referral as Targeted indicates the students can meet with other students in a group environment.
Written Consent Obtained
This is to indicate that the Counsellor has received the signed consent form from the Parent/Guardian with permission to meet with their child.
It is highly recommended to upload this signed consent form when specifying Written Consent Obtained.
Verbal Consent Obtained
Verbal Consent is when the Counsellor has not yet received the signed consent form from the Parent/Guardian but did get verbal consent, either by Email/Phone Call/In Person/etc.
Denied by Parent/Guardian
When a Parent/Guardian denies the Counsellor from meeting with their child, setting the status to Parent Denied will allow tracking of this so it can potentially be re-visted at a later date.
After a referral has been accepted by a Counsellor, a new ‘Close’ button will appear to allow for the completion of the referral. Once closed, the referral will have this status but can be re-opened if needed.