Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
The settings page consists of five main tabs: Assessments, Periods, Outcomes, Questions, and Expectations. Each tab serves a specific purpose in managing assessments, periods, outcomes, questions, and expectations. Below is a detailed guide for each tab.
Create a New Assessment
Click the Add button.
In the modal window, enter the Name and Description of the assessment.
Mark whether the assessment is Active or not. If the assessment is not active, it will not be available on the student page, class entry, and reports.
Edit an Existing Assessment
Click on the assessment's Name or Description to edit.
Delete an Assessment
Use the delete button associated with the assessment you wish to remove.
Manage Periods for an Assessment
Select the assessment you want to manage periods for in the Assessments select dropdown.
To add a new period, click the Add button.
In the modal window, enter the Period name, Description, and Order.
To edit an existing period, click on its Name or Description.
To delete a period, click the Delete button.
Note: An assessment does not necessarily need to have periods. If no periods are entered for an assessment, it will have a single record for a student for one year.
Create and Manage Outcomes Sets
Select the assessment for which you want to create or manage outcomes.
If the assessment has periods, choose the desired period from the select dropdown.
Create a New Outcomes Set
Click the Add button under Select Outcome Set.
In the modal window, select the Assessment for which you want to create the Outcome Set.
Enter the Name and Description.
Use the Copy From option if you want to copy outcomes from an existing Outcome Set of the selected assessment.
If you select an existing Outcome Set in the Copy From dropdown, all outcomes from the selected Outcome Set will be added to the new Outcome Set.
Manage Outcomes
Select the Outcome Set in the Select Outcome Set dropdown.
Choose the appropriate Strand and Grade.
To add a new outcome, click the Add button.
In the modal window, enter the Name, Description, and Order.
To edit an existing outcome, click on its Name or Description.
To delete an outcome, click the Delete button.
Create and Manage Question Sets
Select the assessment for which you want to add or edit question sets and questions.
If the assessment has periods, choose the desired period from the select dropdown.
Create a New Question Set
Click the Add button under Select Question Set.
In the modal window, select the Assessment and Outcome Set associated with the Question Set
Explain process and how to ‘Copy From’
Enter the Name and Description.
Use the Copy From option if you want to copy questions from an existing Question Set of the selected assessment.
If you select an existing Question Set in the Copy From dropdown, all questions from the selected Question Set will be added to the new Question Set.
Manage Questions
Select the Question Set in the Select Question Set dropdown.
Choose the appropriate Strand and Grade.
To add a new question, click the Add button.
In the modal window, select the Type of question: Points, Answer, or Total.
For Points or Total, enter the maximum number of points.
For Answer, enter the Key Value with all possible correct answers separated by
ExamplesAchieved / Not Achieved
The correct answers are one of the following
achieved (with lower case 'a')
Multiple Choice
The correct answers are one of the following
Enter the Name, Description, Order, and Outcome associated with the question.
To edit an existing question, click on its Name, Description, or any other value in any column.
To delete a question, click the Delete button.
Define Calculation Rules for Expectations
Select the assessment, period (if applicable), question set, and strand.
Choose whether the expectation is for the total score of the assessment or for a specific strand.
Add a New Expectation Rule
Click the Add button under the desired grade.
In the modal window, enter the Name, choose the Color (usually red, yellow, green, or blue), and set the Minimum and Maximum values.
For example, Name: Below Level, Color: Red, Min: 0, Max: 20 means that if a student scores between 0 and 20 points, they are at "Below Level" and this will be indicated in reports with a red color.
Edit an Existing Expectation Rule
Click on the Name or any other value in any column to edit.
Delete an Expectation Rule
Click the Delete button.
Copy Expectations from Another Period, Question Set, or Strand
On the main page, select the Period, Question Set, and Strand to which you want to add expectations.
Click the Copy From button.
In the modal window, select the Period, Question Set, and Strand from which you want to copy expectations.
Click Save to copy the expectations to the selected period, question set, and strand.