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Please refer to the Filters area for more information on how to utilize these filters throughout the Counselling module.

Referral Tab

Search Page

After clicking the Referral tab, you will be brought to the referral search results page where you can see all referrals for the selected school and some brief information. This area also allows for searching and filtering of referrals to narrow down what you are looking for.

Clicking on a record will bring you to the Referrals Detail screen where more details are exposed and certain actions can be completed regarding the referral.

Color Coding

Each Referral record in the search results list will be shaded to indicate the status.

  • White

    • New - the referral has not yet had a status change since it was created.

  • Green

    • Accepted - the Counsellors has accepted the referral and is currently under their case load.

  • Red

    • Denied - either the referral has been denied by a Counsellors or by a Parent/Guardian. The specific details to this can be found when opening the referral and looking a the ‘History of Referral’ area.

  • Yellow

    • Waitlist - a Counsellors has put this referral on the waitlist so it can be looked into at a later date.

  • Gray

    • Closed - the referral has been closed by a Counsellor.

Referral Details



History of Referral



Referral Status

  • Accept

    • Individual Counselling

      • When a student is specified for Individual Counselling, this indicates they should be in only one-on-one meetings with a Counsellor

      • This status makes the student available to select when creating a Log and having the meeting type of ‘Individual Counselling Session’ selected.

    • Targeted (Group) Counselling

      • Accepted a referral as Targeted indicates the students can meet with other students in a group environment.


The Logs area in the Counselling module allows the Counsellor/Director to save all of their meeting notes with the students. A student does not need to have a referral to meet with a student and save the meeting results.

Search Page

The search page shows all students who have at least 1 saved meeting in the system OR a referral status change. If the student is not listed in the search results, they do not have either of these but the user can create a new log and select the student. From there, once the meeting has been saved, the student will appear in the search results list.
