Logs Tab
Goals Tab
Dashboard Tab
This area of the Counselling module lists various Charts and Reports to help Admins see data at a level that is easy to read and understand. These reports will help understand the Counselling data as a whole and be able to make certain decisions, such as financial, student support, etc.
Note: None of the charts have drill-downs as much of Counselling data is sensitive and should not be exposed to all Admin users.
Demographics Tab
Student Gender with Referrals
Report Type: Pie Chart
Data: Count of each gender and how many referrals created for each
Note: data is synced from PowerSchool so the same genders that are setup in PowerSchool are also shown here
Student Grade with Referrals
Report Type: Bar Chart
Data: Count of how many referrals created for each student grade
Logs Tab
Logs Time Spent
Report Type: Pie Chart
Data: Count of each time spent selection per Log created
Log Types Range
Report Type: Stacked Bar Chart
Data: Counts of how many meeting types created broken down by month
Note: this chart currently has it’s own Start and End date filters
Counselling Log Types - Session Count
Report Type: Pie Chart
Data: Counts of how many time each Log Type has been selected.
Counselling Log Types - Student Count
Report Type: Pie Chart
Data: Counts of how many students per Log Type that has been saved.
This is not the unique count of Logs, but instead unique count of Students.